BJs Autohaus Case Study: More Auto Website Sales

by Lindsey - Posted 4 years ago

Make more auto sales with your dealership website: BJ’s Autohaus Case Study

AutoSTRADA works. We wouldn’t make this claim if we couldn’t prove it. Here is another example of the AutoSTRADA auto dealership website software in action: BJ's Autohaus

Auto Dealership Website Example

Get more traffic to your dealership website.

It’s harder than ever to bring traffic to your website. With so much competition, you can’t just have a beautiful website and hope car buyers will come. You need the right combination of keywords, valuable content, meta data, website structure, referring links, and regular updates.

We know how difficult all this can be for auto dealership trying to focus on sales and customer service. That is why we built the AutoSTRADA with everything you need, and the continued support, to keep your website bringing in traffic.

Look at this chart of organic traffic to our client BJ’s Autohaus in Houston. They not only rank at the top of search engines for their local key terms, they are increasing their organic traffic at a steady rate month-over-month, even during these unstable economic times.

Top ranking car dealership website

The AutoSTRADA website software is built on a mobile-friendly framework, so search engines love it, as well as visitors. It looks great on every device. And just as importantly, it loads quickly. Under 3 seconds is the ideal load time, and as you can see, BJ’s Autohaus loads in under 2 seconds. 

Auto Dealership Website Example

A beautiful website is just the beginning to attracting more traffic.

After we’ve designed the website with a great layout, plenty of “resting space” and the right images, we focus on the search optimization. That includes researching key terms, inputting the meta data, and optimizing load speeds. I won’t get into the technical details of how we do that in this post, but the team has been perfecting the science of search engine optimization over the past decade, and they’re still teaching me new things every day.

Now you’ve got a beautiful website that is bringing in organic traffic. What next? You need that traffic to turn into car buyers leads.

Get more auto leads.

This is where the design of your website becomes so important. 

A website is about more than choosing nice images and writing good text. To really optimize your website for conversions (turning traffic into leads), you need properly placed buttons, content that builds trust, and highly targeted call-to-actions.

As you can see on BJ’s AutoHaus, the header directs the visitor on what they should do – such as browse the inventory or get approved for a loan. 

It also includes ways to build trust. Testimonials, learning more about the history of the dealership, and including the tagline “family-owned since 1985” are all ways to earn the trust of the visitor and make them more likely to become a lead.

When you visit the site, you immediately see another optional feature, the pop up that notifies visitors of timely information. In this instance, it is a message concerning their Covid-19 policy. 

Auto Dealership website software

We also offer a scrolling marquee at the top of the website as another optional way to grab attention to timely information.

“The details are not the details. The details are the design.” We also add those little touches that turn an attractive website into a website that motivates action. Buttons that turn to action color when moused over, movement of buttons to draw the eye, and carefully chosen images and icons that direct the user to take action.

The right combination of design elements, layout, movement, and trust-building features turn your website into lead generation tool.

Make more auto sales from your website.

You’ve brought traffic. You’ve gotten leads. Now the job of your website is over, right?

Nope, not when it comes to the AutoSTRADA. The website software includes a complete Dashboard with everything you and your sales staff need to make more sales. The detailed reports, vehicle information, Customer Relationship Manager or Contact Manager, and automated email integration are just a few of the ways your AutoSTRADA will help turn those leads into sales.

Below you can see an example of the dashboard included in every AutoSTRADA dealership website. To get a complete demo of the software back office, you can request it here.

Auto dealership website dashboard

First you can see important industry news, software update information, and new services will appear in the news and information section. This will help your auto dealership stay updated on the latest industry events, new features available in your website, and more. 

Overviews and detailed inventory management will help you see at a glance what autos you have, how long they’ve been listed, pricing, and more.

car dealership website dashboard 2

You and your sales team can also view what listings are getting the most views, leads, and which are least popular.

You can also see which autos do and do not have descriptions and images, so you can make sure your inventory is optimized for traffic and lead generation.

car dealership software dashboard example

Your sales staff can do any other number of things through the dashboard. They can schedule a test drive with potential car buyers, view referrals, credit applications, and service requests.

auto dealership website dashboard example

The back office is the key to communicating with leads and turning those leads into sales. It also provides all the necessary tools to manage your inventory and website.

Get a personal demo of the software, and we'll show you examples of some of our success stories!