Northside Auto Case Study

by Lindsey - Posted 4 years ago

Case Study: Northside Auto Website

Want your auto dealership to rank on the first page of Google? Looking for more organic leads? Want a conversion-optimized website that loads quickly and looks great on all devices?

Find out how we did exactly that for Northside Auto in South Caroline, and ask us how we can do the same for your auto dealership!

Rank on the First Page of Google

Auto Website Rank Top of Search Results Example

The best way to get traffic to your auto dealer website is by ranking on the first page of Google (and other search engines) for local searches. Helping our dealership clients rank on the first page of Google is our priority, and we’ve been doing it for over a decade.

In this report from Ubersuggest, Northside Auto ranks on the first page of Google for local search terms such as Used car dealership in Greenville SC, Greenville SC used car dealership, used car dealers in Greenville sc, auto sales in Greenville SC, and more.

We have the right software, and the right experience, to get your auto dealership ranked on the first page of Google for your local search terms. Don’t believe us? Ask for a free website analysis and demonstration of what our software could do for your auto dealership.

Monthly Organic Traffic Steady Increase

Organic traffic, or traffic that results naturally without paid advertising, is crucial to your website success. 

Northside Auto has seen a continual increase in organic traffic for their AutoSTRADA website, even during the pandemic shutdown! That means the Northside Auto website is getting hundreds to thousands of monthly visitors without spending any money on advertising. 

That kind of regular, organic traffic can make a huge difference for auto dealerships trying to get through this difficult time.

Increase Auto Dealership Organic Traffic Example

Conversion-optimized Design

Getting traffic to your auto website is only half the battle. A conversion-optimized design will ensure that your traffic is translating into leads for your salespeople.

What do we mean by conversion-optimized design?

Buttons that stand out.

Conversion Optimized Auto Dealer Website Example 1

The placement, color, and interactivity of the buttons on your homepage help turn your traffic into leads. On the Northside Auto homepage, each button helps direct visitors to the appropriate landing page on the website to serve their needs.

The buttons use a complimentary color that has enough contrast to stand out immediately, while still fitting the overall design of the website.

Directing the Customer

The homepage, which is the top landing page for nearly all websites, is designed to direct the visitor to the information they need to take action. 

Northside Auto has several different customer types, those selling and those interested in buying. The goal of the website is to immediately help these customers find the information relevant for them, and encourage them to take action.

Conversion Optimized Auto Dealer Website Example


More and more people expect to be able to instantly get a response from businesses. That is where the messaging feature can help bring in more leads. The ability to add messaging through the service of your choice (including Facebook Messenger) can greatly increase your auto dealer website conversion rate.

Auto Dealer Website Software Messaging

Fast Loading

Don’t underestimate the importance of load speed when it comes to SEO and conversion rates.

Websites need to load in under 3 seconds across all devices or you’ll risk ranking penalties and people abandoning your website before they even see it.

Over half (64%) of online buyers will abandon your website and take their business elsewhere if they are unhappy with the loading time and shopping experience.

Auto Dealer Website Software Load Speed Example

Northside Auto loads in under 2 seconds, and we’re always working to improve the load time of auto dealerships using our AutoSTRADA website software.

We compress images, set different elements to load at different times, reduce DNS lookups and http requests, and so on.

As browsers update and the Internet evolves, the standards continually change. We’re always updating AutoSTRADA software to keep load speeds optimized for all our clients.

Responsive Design Looks Great on All Devices

You never know what device your visitors might use to visit your auto dealer website, and more and more customers are visiting multiple times from different devices. A great, cohesive experience across all devices is crucial to securing more leads.

The AutoSTRADA dealer website software is designed to respond to whatever the screen size of the users’ device. Font sizes automatically adjust, navigation shifts, images resize, and sometimes certain elements that won’t appear properly (like videos) are replaced with static images.

Northside Auto’s website looks great on every device, including forms.

Mobile Responsive Auto Dealer Websites

Features that Earn Visitor Trust

The AutoSTRADA software includes optional features like testimonials, messaging, bios, and more.

These features are designed to earn the trust of website visitors and encourage conversions. 

Trust is one of the most important factors in turning a visitor into a lead, and the more “Symbols of Trust” you include on your website, the more leads you will convert.

Features that Attract More Leads

Custom forms allows potential customers to start the process online immediately. The Northside Auto website allows visitors to start the process of selling their auto, search through inventory, and apply for vehicle financing directly on the website. As more and more people are hesitant about face-to-face interactions, a digital option makes all the difference.

Custom Forms Auto Dealer Website Example

Northside Auto customers can choose from a variety of options on the website, without ever needing to call or visit the physical location. This makes the process easier for you sales staff, as well as for potential customers.

Full Back Office and CRM

From your Dashboard, you and your sales team can view, manage, and contact leads, update your website and blog, manage your inventory, view extensive reports, and much more. Everything you need in one place to manage your digital dealership.

Ask us for a tour to see the back office in action!

Ready for your own high performance auto dealer website? Contact us now to get started.